Frank Diaz Presents at CWCDAA Conference
Mr. Frank P. Diaz, CDMS, Jeffrey Fettner, Esq., and Mellissa Schafer, Esq. presented at the California Workers’ Compensation Defense Attorneys’ Association (CWCDAA) 2012 Summer Conference in Las Vegas, California on June 1, 2012 regarding Vocational Strategies for Reducing Permanent Disability.
Topics discussed were the options available to Defense Attorneys in order to combat Labor Code § 4662, i.e., Amenableness to Rehabilitation (Return-to-Work Programs). Return-to-Work Programs for an injured employee, in all likelihood, would actually increase their imputed earnings; thereby, lowering their Diminished Future Earnings Capacity (DFEC), and possibly reducing the injured employee’s 100% Rating.
The presentation reviewed the Cordova, Wen, Wright, and Dahl Decisions. For referencing, I have included PDF links to the following Decisions:
Jesus Cordova v. Garaventa Enterprises and SCIF
Xue Feng Wen v. Gagmar’s, Inc. and Springfield Insurance
John Wright v. BCI Builders, Inc. and SCIF
Doreen Dahl v. Contra Costa County and Permissibly Self-Insured
Please see below links for Attorney Mellissa Schafer and Jeffrey Fettner’s websites:
Mellissa Schafer, Esq.:
Jeffrey Fettner, Esq.: