Frank Diaz Presents at CAAA 2012 Summer Convention
Published on: 07/26/12 1:27 AM
Mr. Frank P. Diaz, CDMS, Mark E. Gearheart, Esq., and Joseph C. Waxman, Esq. presented at the California Applicant Attorneys’ Association (CAAA) 2012 Summer Convention in San Francisco, California on June 27, 2012.
Over 700 Attorneys were in attendance at this event, and the panel’s presentation was well accepted throughout, and highly acknowledged by all attendees.
Their presentation, “Proving an Accurate Loss of Earning Capacity Disability With Vocational Expert Testimony Under Ogilvie III,” covered topics such as: rebuttal methodologies, proving loss of earning capacity, total permanent disability, cause of vocational disability without apportionment based on Welcher/Brodie, discussion of recent 100% Cordova case, Labor Code § 4662, and methods used by Defense Attorneys in order to combat Labor Code § 4662, i.e., Amenableness to Rehabilitation (Return-to-Work Programs).
For more information on Mark E. Gearheart, Esq., please visit: Info/Lawyers/189259.aspx
For more information on Joseph C. Waxman, Esq., please visit: